Comanche County Memorial Hospital is busy taking care of COVID patients. However, they continue to take care of all patients’ healthcare needs. One family’s loved one has been in the hospital for months and has experienced just how dedicated the medical staff remains...
We’re closing in on two years since COVID-19 hit southwest Oklahoma. So, we caught up with some nurses at Comanche County Memorial Hospital to see how they’re doing and what they’ve learned since the start of the pandemic. “We have good and bad days,” said LPN Tori...
While Lung Cancer is the third most common cancer in the United States, it’s the deadliest of cancers among men and women across the nation. Dr. Eugenio Najera said some people don’t know how prevalent lung cancer is. “If you take all the cases in the United States,...
Blood donations are needed across the nation as the Red Cross says we’re in a blood crisis. We talked to blood bank lab officials inside Comanche County Memorial Hospital to see how it’s impacting them. Prakriti Adhikari, the Blood Bank Supervisor at CCMH, said...
National Pharmacist Day was recently celebrated on January 12th. It’s a day where pharmacists are celebrated across the country for everything they do. We talked with Tara DeLonais, who is a pharmacist at Comanche County Memorial Hospital, about what she does as a...