by Medwatch 7 | Feb 15, 2016 | Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Heart & Vascular, Heart Month, Medwatch 7, Risk Factors
Modifying your lifestyle to reduce heart disease from Medwatch 7 KSWO on Vimeo. We know that heart disease is the number one killer…and it’s still on the rise in men and women. It turns out, people aren’t modifying their lifestyles to reduce their...
by Medwatch 7 | Feb 9, 2016 | Heart & Vascular, Heart Month, Heart Surgery, Medwatch 7
Stents are devices which are implanted during an angioplasty to treat coronary artery disease. These small tubes are used to prop open clogged arteries. Over the past 30 years or so, advancements to these devices have made them an even better tool in the treatment of...
by Medwatch 7 | Feb 9, 2016 | Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Heart & Vascular, Heart Month, Medwatch 7
Continuing with National Heart Month, certain numbers, like heart rate, cholesterol and blood pressure, can be improved. Numbers, numbers everywhere. Experts recommend managing and maintaining your numbers, but where do you start? Southwest Oklahoma Heart and Vascular...
by Medwatch 7 | Feb 9, 2016 | Heart & Vascular, Heart Month, Medwatch 7
February is National Heart Month. Each day this month, we will take a look at different topics about the heart, such as aortic valve replacement. A newer technique is now being used in aortic valve replacement operations at Comanche County Memorial Hospital, with the...