New Da Vinci Robot

New Da Vinci Robot

Comanche County Memorial Hospital is happy to announce their new Da Vinci Xi Surgical System. It’s the first and only one of its kind in SWOK. The Da Vinci Xi Surgical System is some of the latest robotics technology used for surgical purposes. Chief Nursing...
New Da Vinci Robot

7th Annual Lawton Farmers Market Tomato Festival

 Calling all tomato lovers… if you enjoy fresh home grown tomatoes, then Lawton’s annual tomato festival is the place for you.  A time of celebration, fun competition, and plenty of tasting. The annual Tomato Festival at the Lawton’s Farmer’s...
New Da Vinci Robot

Minimally Invasive Back Surgery

 Minimally Invasive Back Surgery from Medwatch 7 KSWO on Vimeo. Minimally invasive back surgery has a lot of benefits to the patient. There’s a decrease in tissue damage, decrease in blood loss, and a faster recovery time. We scrubbed in at Comanche county...
New Da Vinci Robot

Volunteens at CCMH

 Volunteens at CCMH from Medwatch 7 KSWO on Vimeo. It’s summertime which usually means kids are outside swimming or hanging out with friends. But some local teenagers have decided to volunteer and help others during their summer vacation. It’s through a...