Preventing athletic injuries with Grady Brewer

Preventing athletic injuries with Grady Brewer

Throughout Grady Brewer’s over decade-long career, he has competed in over 50 fights, while earning 16 KO’s under his belt. Brewer also won half a million dollars from the ESPN Reality Show “The Contender,” spending that money on his gym “Bad Boys Boxing &...
Preventing athletic injuries with Grady Brewer

12th annual Tomato Festival

The 12th annual Tomato festival in Lawton is kicking off soon. Did you know tomatoes can help stop inflammation, boost your immune system, and even stop blood clots? According to Dr. Legako, a retired CCMH Pediatrician and the founder of the Lawton Farmer’s Market,...
Preventing athletic injuries with Grady Brewer

Parkinson’s survivors box against disease

It’s still Parkinson’s disease awareness month… and today we’re taking a look at how local survivors are beating the odds by using their muscles. According to the National Institutes of Health, Almost 500,000 Americans live with Parkinson’s Disease, which...
Preventing athletic injuries with Grady Brewer

CCMH holds active shooter training for staff

Comanche County Memorial Hospital held a three-day active shooter training for their staff. Heather Love, the administrative director of quality, safety, risk, and education at CCMH, said they held this because they knew they needed to do more to prepare for an active...