by Medwatch 7 | Mar 18, 2016 | Heart & Vascular, Medwatch 7, Nutrition, Sleep, Smoking, Stress, Weight loss
Stress from Medwatch 7 KSWO on Vimeo. Stress can be harmful not only mentally, but physically as well. It can be especially bad for your heart. It doesn’t matter who you are, stress is a simple fact of life. It’s nearly impossible to avoid it.
by Medwatch 7 | Mar 16, 2016 | Cold remedies, Medwatch 7, Nutrition
What to do when a cold is coming on from Medwatch 7 KSWO on Vimeo. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the average adult will catch two-to-three colds this year, but there is something you can do when you feel one coming on.
by Medwatch 7 | Mar 15, 2016 | Brain, Medwatch 7, Nutrition
Brain health from Medwatch 7 KSWO on Vimeo. We all know the importance exercise has on our bodies, but what about workouts that target organs, like our brains? While you can’t really grow your brain, you can help keep it as sharp as possible as you age with some...
by Medwatch 7 | Mar 3, 2016 | Cancer, Colon cancer, Medwatch 7, Nutrition
Colon cancer from Medwatch 7 KSWO on Vimeo. March is colon cancer awareness month and the Cancer Centers of Southwest Oklahoma are offering free screening kits. Colon cancer is a very common cancer in the United States with around 95,000 new cases diagnosed every year...
by Medwatch 7 | Mar 2, 2016 | Crohn's disease, Medwatch 7, Nutrition
Crohn's disease from Medwatch 7 KSWO on Vimeo. Imagine having a stomach ache that never seems to go away, or intestinal distress a dozen times or more a day. That’s the harsh reality for anyone living with Crohn’s disease, an inflammatory condition...
by Medwatch 7 | Feb 23, 2016 | Heart & Vascular, Heart Month, Heart Surgery, Medwatch 7, Nutrition, Risk Factors
Calcium scoring from Medwatch 7 KSWO on Vimeo. Calcium scoring is a newer technology to help detect who’s at risk for heart disease. It is a type of CT scan that measures the amount of calcium in the blood vessels of the heart. But, Cardiologists warn this new...