Learning how to walk and talk again can be a challenge after a stroke, but one Lawton woman is sharing her journey and encouraging others while finding herself again. June 7th of 2023 is a date Beth Pottle is always going to remember because that’s the day she had a...
On average, between 30 to 40 people go to Comanche County Memorial Hospital’s ER every month because of a stroke or stroke-like symptoms. While we were filming this story about strokes, ER staff had to jump into action because they were notified of a code stroke. When...
When you’re having a stroke, you’re supposed to act fast because not only can it save your life but also play a huge role in recovery. You need to get to the emergency room as soon as possible since stroke treatment is time-dependent, and time is brain. It’s also...
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, every 40 seconds, somebody in the United States has a stroke, and every four minutes somebody dies from a stroke. So, knowing what to do if you or a loved one is having a stroke is important. That’s why May...
The Annual Jim Thorpe Inpatient Rehab Reunion is held every year to celebrate the success of their rehab patients. Each year a courage award is given to the patient who has shown the most strength and perseverance. That patient this year was David Ward. Ward suffered...
“BE FAST” to recognize signs of stroke from Medwatch 7 KSWO on Vimeo. LAWTON, OK (KSWO) – May is stroke awareness month, and doctors at Comanche County Memorial Hospital want you to “Be Fast” when it comes to recognizing that you’re...