MedWatch- Guardian Angel Sponsorship helps pay Spirit of Survival entry fees from Medwatch 7 KSWO on Vimeo.
LAWTON, OK (KSWO)- If you’ve ever thought about running or walking in the Spirit of Survival but financial hardships have prevented you from participating, the Guardian Angel Sponsorship may be able to help. Founder Natalie Fitch says the sponsorship is not only for those who could use the help, but also for cancer patients and survivors and anyone who has a disabled child.
While attending the Spirit of Survival last year Natalie Fitch says she noticed a need in the community to make it easier for everyone to participate.
“It’s very dear to my heart to see any child that has a need to be given the opportunity as well as those that have gone through tragedy in their life with cancer, suffered from a finical aspect of just being able to keep their health,” said Finch.
Last year a group of disabled children participated and Fitch wanted to do something to ensure that more children will have the opportunity to see how it feels to share in the race.
“When the race began, you saw smiles and when they crossed that finish line yow saw even more smiles and tears. So it’s a great thing for anyone who’s experiencing any type of disability to come out and be a part,” said Finch.
To help ensure that every child gets to participate, runners have volunteered to help where needed.
“If the parent does not feel comfortable in participating and pushing their child, we have many volunteers who’ve volunteered to come and allow that child to experience just what it is to be a part and to cross that finish line,” said Finch.
Fitch says it’s important for children with disabilities to be treated just like the child next to them participating in the children’s marathon.
“I feel that it’s very, very important. We’re all created equal and we should be able to share… and do the things on the same level and not have to sit on the sidelines,” said Finch.
Fitch hopes the Guardian Angel Sponsorship will alleviate the financial constraint and allow everyone to participate.
“I encourage each of you to come out and bring your family and again, if you’re not able to financially register for the event, that’s what the Guardian Angel Sponsorship can help and assist you with so we hope to see you on October the second,” said Finch.
If you’d like more information or to register through the Guardian Angel Sponsorship, you can call CCMH’s Community Relations Department at 580-585-5406. Don’t forget that the race is two weeks from tomorrow and it’s still not too late to sign up.
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