How to detect an enlarged prostate
An enlarged prostate is a health issue that typically starts impacting men over the age of 50. Dr. Orrenzo Snyder, a urologist at Comanche County Memorial Hospital, said men normally see a slow change and will ignore it for years. “All men are going to have an...
KSWO brings you the latest local, state and national health news on MedWatch. During the evening broadcast, MedWatch reporter, Haley Wilson, informs you about new advances in medications, tests and procedures to diagnose and treat all types of illnesses.
MedWatch airs about the middle of the evening news broadcasts
Monday – Saturday, 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. and Sunday, 5:30 and 10:00 p.m.
Event to get families moving together is happening Saturday
An event that encourages families to get outside and get moving together is happening Saturday, June 18th. Fit Kids of Southwest Oklahoma, along with multiple other groups, like CCMH’s TSET Healthy Living Program, is working together to put on Southwest Oklahoma...
CCMH about to start classes for its Clinical Medical Technician program
Comanche County Memorial Hospital’s new Clinical Medical Technician or CMT program is about to start its second set of classes and is accepting applications. The hospital decided to start this program that trains their medical assistants about a year ago. Julie...
May is National Stroke Awareness Month
On average, between 30 to 40 people go to Comanche County Memorial Hospital’s ER every month because of a stroke or stroke-like symptoms. While we were filming this story about strokes, ER staff had to jump into action because they were notified of a code stroke. When...
CCMH Adds to Their Neurosurgery Team
LAWTON, Okla. (KSWO) - Comanche County Memorial Hospital recently added to its team of Neurosurgeons that specializes in treatments for the brain, spine, and nerves. Dr. John Roufail said his first surgery at CCMH was removing a large brain tumor that was about the...
Therapy dogs lift spirits during hospital visits
Paws with Love Therapy Dogs visit Comanche County Memorial Hospital multiple times a week to bring smiles to patients and those working at the hospital. They’re celebrated for everything they do on National Therapy Pet Day, which is April 30th. Leann Legako, a...
National Donate Life Month
650 people across the State of Oklahoma are currently waiting on a lifesaving transplant. Across the nation, more than 106-thousand people need one. Meanwhile, thousands more are waiting on lifesaving and healing tissue transplants. “So it’s so important to...
CCMH celebrating their 120 volunteers during National Volunteer Week
This week is National Volunteer Week, and Comanche County Memorial Hospital is celebrating its more than 120 volunteers between the ages of 23 and 96. Some volunteers are seen at the hospital, while others work behind the scenes, like Earline Gregory, who works...