Losing a baby is hard — no matter how old they were and it happens more often than you think. One in four women have a miscarriage and 1 in 160 babies are born stillborn. This month is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month and it gives parents a chance to...
When babies are born, tests are run in their first days of life to see if they have certain disorders and conditions. Those tests are newborn screenings that are run after they’re 24 hours old and before they’re discharged from the hospital. Dr. Patience Ugwi, a...
August 1st-7th is World Breastfeeding Week. Kate Copass, who is an internationally board-certified lactation consultant who works at Comanche County Memorial Hospital’s Infant Feeding Resource Center, said they always try to support moms during this week and...
Lawton couple has triplets from Medwatch 7 KSWO on Vimeo. LAWTON, OK (KSWO) – “Proud parents”–two words that one Lawton couple used to describe themselves. But parenthood hasn’t been easy for them. Their story is nothing short of a...
Crib bumpers may seem like the perfect finishing touch for an infant’s nursery, but beware. The popular padded crib accessory poses a suffocation risk for small babies.