Decreasing chances of prostate cancer

Decreasing chances of prostate cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, one man per group of eight will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime. Men will typically make an appointment with an oncologist like Comanche County Memorial Hospital’s very own Dr. Manal Robin-Hana when...
Decreasing chances of prostate cancer

What do intensivists & hospitalists do

The care team provides 24-hour care to patients experiencing severe or life-threatening injuries or illnesses in the ICU. And if you ever step foot in the one at Comanche County Memorial Hospital, you’re likely to meet either Dr. Dave, a hospitalist who’s been at CCMH...
Decreasing chances of prostate cancer

Back to school vaccines

Before your child can sit down in class for the new school year, they have to receive their back-to-school vaccine. Dr. Flor Guerengomba explained ages four and up are eligible to get their shots, children and it’s important for all ages to get up to date with their...
Decreasing chances of prostate cancer

24/7 Pharmacy opens at CCMH

The new 24/7 pharmacy is located in the ER at Comanche County Memorial Hospital, and it will serve all community members even if they aren’t a patient. “If you’re leaving the ER or rapid access clinic after hours and you don’t want to worry about where to pick up your...
Decreasing chances of prostate cancer

12th annual Tomato Festival

The 12th annual Tomato festival in Lawton is kicking off soon. Did you know tomatoes can help stop inflammation, boost your immune system, and even stop blood clots? According to Dr. Legako, a retired CCMH Pediatrician and the founder of the Lawton Farmer’s Market,...