by Medwatch 7 | Oct 17, 2024 | Flu Season
Flu season is upon us. It starts in October and typically lasts until March. Meagan Garibay, a Nurse Practitioner at Lawton Community Health Center, said now is the best time to get vaccinated to be protected throughout this flu season. “We start talking about it in...
by Medwatch 7 | Sep 30, 2024 | Medwatch 7
As men get older, they might notice changes in their health and body, one of the things commonly experienced can be erectile dysfunction. Dr. Orrenzo Snyder, a urologist at Comanche County Memorial Hospital, said there are several different reasons why it happens and...
by Medwatch 7 | Sep 30, 2024 | Diabetes
A local dietitian said Type 2 Diabetes is an epidemic, and many people have diabetes but might not know it because they aren’t going to the doctor regularly. Doctors refer diabetes patients to Jan Miller, a registered dietitian. She is one of three at the Lawton...
by Medwatch 7 | Sep 23, 2024 | Diabetes
When you think about diabetes, podiatry probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. Still, a doctor at the Lawton Community Health Center said they’re an integral part of diabetes education and care. Dr. John Cauthon, a Podiatrist at LCHC, said they want to see...
by Medwatch 7 | Sep 19, 2024 | Spirit of Survival
The Spirit of Survival is returning after stopping due to the pandemic and wanting to make sure their patients and the community stayed healthy. For years, the Spirit of Survival brought the community together to raise money for the cancer centers of Southwest...