As men get older, they might notice changes in their health and body, one of the things commonly experienced can be erectile dysfunction. Dr. Orrenzo Snyder, a urologist at Comanche County Memorial Hospital, said there are several different reasons why it happens and what options men have.

He said ED can be a common part of aging due to decreasing testosterone levels or physical issues like heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and smoking. But ED could also stem from marital or psychological problems.

“Men come in for it,” Dr. Snyder said. “They’ll come in more for erectile disjunction than they will for an enlarged prostate for instance.”

He said there are several medications men can take for the issue. Some will help for a shorter amount of time while others can last longer. But, not everybody can take medicine for erectile dysfunction.

“The medications can’t be used in patients with heart disease or if they’re on nitroglycerin, so they’re actively using nitroglycerin for chest pain, they can’t be on these medications,” he said.

Dr. Snyder said there are other treatments available besides medicine.

“There are penile injection therapies, there’s vacuum erection device, there’s penile prosthesis surgery as well,” he said. “So you start with the medications and sometimes you go down the line with treatment options.”

Dr. Snyder said if you notice a change, talk to your doctor about the options available.

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